Ancient Egyptians thought it was lettuce.
Why? Because it grew straight and tall while oozing a white substance when a leaf was cut.
Snake Hiding in Toilet Bites Israeli Man's Penis
A 35-year-old Israeli man was rushed to the hospital on Friday after a snake suddenly emerged from the toilet he was sitting on and bit the man's penis.
The injured man told emergency workers that he noticed a strong burning sensation as he was using the toilet in his parents' home in the norther Israeli town of Nofit. At that point, the man looked down and saw a snake in the toilet. He then "ran from the room in horror" to call paramedics.
"This is the first time I've seen a snake bite like this," a paramedic said, according to Your Jewish News. “Luckily, all tests seem fine and the man is feeling well.” The paramedic also said the man was in good enough spirits to joke about the incident.
The snake, which the man described as very small, wasn't venomous, but doctors at the Rambam Medical Center in Haifa decided to keep the man hospitalized for further tests and observation.
"There will undoubtedly be bite marks on the area in question," the hospital said. “The snake was not poisonous. The man is currently under observation pending additional test results and as soon as we get the results, he will be able to go home."
Throughout “Magna Carta,” the 43-year-old pretends he’s a threat to a system he’s so eagerly become a part of, as if his life as a champion capitalist is some perpetually escalating act of subversion. Hooray? Rooting for this man in 2013 is like rooting for Pfizer. Or PepsiCo.